Class of 2020 – It’s Time!
Parents of students graduating in 2020 – if you’ve ordered a sports photo book, now is the time to start sending me your favorite photo choices from our galleries at JoanieMoore.zenfolio.com! Remember, it takes days to put the books together, and I want your book to be perfect! Please share your favorites list with me soon – and we’ll start working on your books. Questions? Please give me a call, reach me through Facebook on Photography by Joanie Moore, or drop an e-mail.
SMSC Digital File Sale
I can’t drive 55! And if you race at the Schuss Mountain Snow Challenge, chances are – you can’t drive 55, either! So let’s get rollin’ and send some awesome specials your way! It’s the “I can’t drive 55” sale. Select any 5 of your favorite photos from the past 10 years Snow Challenge and get the digital copies for just $55! Any 5 for $55. It’s easy — just go through the folders and keep track of the full file name shown BELOW the image – they start with the year/month/date and description then the image number. This is what I need. Send me your list of 5, and paypal $55 to my account and within minutes, you’ll have the high resolution digital images in your in-box! Send me a message if you have questions or need assistance.
Here’s the link to the SMSC folders. But hurry! This “I can’t drive 55, get 5 for $55 offer expires — you guessed it – on Cinco De Mayo! 5/5/2018.
SMSC Photos and Fun Stuff
4/20/2018 – 10th annual Schuss Mountain Snow Challenge photos are online now. Lots of items available – including custom posters (more sizes that I can list!), refrigerator magnets, flasks, glass cutting boards, frosted beer steins, personalized books, stationery and loads more. Nearly 27,000 photos taken over the last ten years! Here’s a link; you pick the year! As you’ll see, the most recent years albums are broken down by class, too.
Memorial DVD’s for Funerals
Memorial DVD’s and poster collages. It’s hard enough to lose a family member or friend, but when the loss is sudden and completely unexpected, it adds to the worry and concerns that you may be overlooking something. This is where I can help you. Just provide us with about 40 photos (prefer digital on a thumb drive, but we’ll also take prints). From there we will put them into a slide show, add soft effects and gentle transitions, and mix in comforting, appropriate music to create a beautiful and memorable tribute. Shows can be looped for continuous uninterrupted play during visitation. We’ll even make extra copies for you to share with other family members or friends. Optionally, we will design and print collages using the photos you provided. Instead of having numerous photos pinned to a board, how about one large poster collage? Give Joanie a call to discuss options.
Snowmobile Race Photos
3/31/2018 – Snowmobile drag racing is *finally* done for the season! Not that we don’t enjoy being out there, but when it’s blowin’ snow, icy, cold and downright nasty, it’s no fun being out there in it! But, it’s always fun getting some great action shots of racers – from the little beginners on their 120’s, on up to the teens and adults who are competing in pro-lite classes. Check them out – years worth of racing photos – right here!